Planning White Paper 2020
An unprecedented attack is under way upon the local scrutiny and accountability of the planning decisions that affect the places we live in and care about. This comes from the heart of a central Government that has bought the myth that planning is an obstacle to growth.
We have been working hard to help communities and Neighbourhood Forum groups have their say on the proposals. You can find out all about these activities on our Planning White Paper 2020 webpage.
Our planning consultant Andrew Wood has made a video about how the Planning White Paper proposals may impact our Local Democracy. CPRE branches and conservation groups across the country have found it helpful.
We are also ran a support webinar, to help community groups with practical support in responding to the White Paper. It is complicated – but together with attendees from across the country, we were able to unravel some of the muddle, and to help people have their voices heard. The presentation slides that accompanied this webinar are available to download here. Feel free to share this information in your community. A review of the sessions and some further information coming soon.
We have designed a flyer, so that people can share this information with their local communities, and Andrew has written a blog post which explores our concerns.
Lets help each other, and lets get talking about the Planning White Paper 2020.